The Cove Church Application for Employment
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Individual Information


Personal Data:

Home Phone:
* Mobile Phone: 
Please provide any previous addresses in which you have lived within the last 7 years:
*Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
*Social Security #:
*Driver's License #:
*Referred by:
*Are you a citizen of the United States?
*If not a citizen of the U.S., can you provide proof that you can legally be employed in the U.S.?

Employment Information:

*Position you are applying for:
*Current Church Affiliation
*Positions of service or leadership held in the church:
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation?
*If yes, state date, court and place where offense occurred:
*Have you ever been discharged or requested to resign from a position?
*If yes, please explain:
*Does your current employer know of your plans to change employment?
*Why do you desire to make a change?
*Have you ever held a position of trust (handling money or confidential material)?
*Have you ever been arrested?
*Have you ever been refused a bond?
If yes, state reason and date:

Educational Experience:

*High School
*Dates Attended
*Did you Graduate?
*Course of Study

Educational Experience 2:

*Dates Attended
*Did you Graduate?
*Course of Study

Educational Experience 3:

Additional School
Dates Attended
Did you Graduate?
Course of Study

Additional Education Information

List any additional training or experience you have that qualifies you for the position you are seeking, including profession licensures or certifications. If pastor, include date ordained and where.
*Additional Experience:

Employment History:

You may submit a resume, but do not substitute a resume for completing this section. List your last three employers, assignments, or volunteer activities, including any military experience, starting with the most recent:

Employer 1:

*Street Address
Supervisor & Title
*Date Employed From
*Date Employed To
*Starting Salary
*Ending Salary
*Reasons for Leaving
*Summary of Responsibilities
*May we contact your current employer?

Employer 2:

*Street Address
Supervisor & Title
*Date Employed From
*Date Employed To
*Starting Salary
*Ending Salary
*Reasons for Leaving
*Summary of Responsibilities

Employer 3:

*Street Address:
Supervisor & Title
*Date Employed From
*Date Employed To
*Starting Salary
*Ending Salary
*Reasons for Leaving
*Summary of Responsibilities

Personal References:

1 year minimum length of time known. No relatives and prefer at least one member of current attending church.

Reference 1:

Bus. Phone
*Mobile Phone
*Length Known - Years

Reference 2:

*Bus. Phone
*Mobile Phone
*Length Known - Years

Reference 3:


Bus. Phone
Mobile Phone
Length Known - Years

Applicant's Statement:

I understand and agree that any misrepresentation by me in this application will be grounds for immediate termination if I have been employed. I give The Cove Church the rights to investigate all references and to secure additional information about me, if job related. I hereby release from liability The Cove Church and its representatives for seeking such information and all other persons, corporations, or organizations for furnishing such information. I understand that a criminal check will be conducted on me as part of the application process and I consent to any such check. I also authorize The Cove Church to make any investigation on my personal history and financial and credit record through any investigative or credit agencies or Bureaus of your choice in compliance with applicable laws or statutes. I also understand that I may be required to have a physical examination, including drug screen.
*Signature of Applicant

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Should employment result from this, I understand that I will be required to provide documentation to establish identity and employment eligibility. I understand that just as I am free to resign at any time, The Cove Church is "at will", and includes no guarantee, contract or promise of employment for any specified length of time. I understand that no representative of The Cove Church has the authority to make any assurances to the contrary. Furthermore, I agree to abide by the ministry guidelines and requirements of The Cove Church and to refrain from any unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of the church. I hereby attest that I am of good moral character.
*Signature of Applicant

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