Red Flag Signal Application
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READ AND UNDERSTAND before proceeding- Staff Member in all your Red Flag Signal interactions demonstrate grace and love as you address real issues. Keep the focus of your conversations on the specific Red Flag Signal and the mission and values of The Cove Church.   The attenders you are attempting to protect and the person you are having the conversation with are worth your time and effort. During the entire process, in as much is possible, model peace, teach reconciliation, and show grace, as you are permitted. 

Today's Date*
Staff Members making the application: 
Email of Staff Members making application
Name of the person you are applying for:
Confirm or add in Rock RMS person you are applying for: 
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code,
Telephone Number (cell/home)
Date of Birth
Names and relationships of all others involve in Red Signal Process:
Confirm or add in Rock RMS all others involved in Red Signal :

Red Flag Signal

Red Flag Signal Choices (For definitions see supporting document-Steps to Signal )

Type Supporting Information here (Email any supporting documentation to

Electronic Signature of Cove Staff Member (at least two Staff Members must sign Red Flag Signal Application)
Electronic Signature of Cove Staff Member (at least two Staff Members must sign Red Flag Signal Application)

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