OutREACH at The Cove Church

Basic volunteer requirements for short-term mission:
I understand and agree to the following principles:
1. Maintain an active and observable commitment to Jesus Christ.

2. Active and serving at The Cove Church

3. Be at least 18 years of age and/or meet other age requirements.

4. Possess the ability and desire to share Christ with others.

5. Demonstrate maturity and proven dependability, as seen by peers and church leaders in his/her area of ministry.

6. Attend all scheduled trip meetings.

7. Adhere to all deadlines. (pre-packing materials, travel schedules, site deadlines, etc.)

If you have any questions, please call the The Cove Church at 704.655-3000 and ask to speak to Alicia Gibson or email, agibson@covechurch.org.
I have read the above and agree to all policies, rules and terms.
Electronic Signature

OutREACH Team Member “Code of Conduct” and Commitment

I support the mission statement of The Cove: "… we will introduce our friends to Jesus…," I appreciate that OutREACH events are an important part of how we accomplish that mission and that these events are open to all who feel led to serve, whether a Cove member or attender. I understand that all who participate in OutREACH events are expected to observe and adhere to the following standard of conduct during the entire duration of the event, including the travel time if a mission trip. As a participant in an upcoming OutREACH event, I understand and agree that:
1. I will pray for the team leaders and give them my undivided support. I will follow them without criticism or delay. A spirit of unity, care and concern for my teammates, and gentleness will guide my thoughts and actions throughout this event

2. I will adhere to any dress code established for the event at all times. I understand that dress codes vary widely depending on the local culture and what is considered appropriate attire.

3. I will not leave the team or the vicinity of our work unless directed or allowed to do so by team leaders.

4. I agree that contact with members of the opposite sex should be limited and controlled, so that we reflect the light of God and avoid even the appearance of inappropriate behavior.

5. I will not participate in activities or visit any establishment or place, which may be seen by others as inconsistent with a Christian lifestyle.

6. I will not use profanity at any time.

7. I understand that I cannot smoke or consume tobacco products at any time on most trips.

8. I will not possess or consume alcoholic beverages or assist others in doing so.

9. I will not possess, use, or distribute any drug or substance for which possession or distribution is unlawful either in North Carolina or at our destination.

10. I will abide by any additional guidelines that may be deemed necessary by the team leaders during the event.
Electronic Signature

The Cove Church – Liability Release Form

Release of all Claims
In consideration for being accepted by The Cove Church for participation in OutREACH events from January 2015 through December 2015, I do hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless The Cove Church and the directors thereof from any and all liability, claims or demands for personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and the child-participant that occur while said child is participating in the above described trip or activity. Furthermore, I hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, death, damage and expense as a result of participation in recreation and work activities involved therein. Further, authorization and permission is hereby given to said church to furnish any necessary transportation, food and lodging for this participant.

The undersigned further hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify said church, its directors, employees and agents, for any liability sustained by said church as the result of the negligent, willful or intentional acts of said participant, including expenses incurred attendant thereto.

Further, should it be necessary for the participant to return home due to medical reasons, disciplinary action or otherwise, we (I) hereby assume all transportation costs.
Electronic Signature

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