Team Leader Application
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Team Leader:
Tell Us About Yourself

Ministry Area
Campus Location:

Full Name
Date of Birthdate
Maiden Name (or other names used)
City, State, Zip Code
Hone Phone:
Cell Phone:
Marital Status
How long have you been attending The Cove Church?
Have you been Baptized?
Which campus do you attend?
Which Life Group are you attending?
What fires your passion for leading?
What spiritual gifts and abilities do you have that you feel can help you lead others?
What experiences do you bring to this opportunity?
List any areas you are currently serving within The Cove:
List all previous ministries where you have served in The Cove. Give dates and names of your past team leaders.

Are you currently demonstrating leadership in the areas of our Cove Strategy?
This is the "four-legged stool" of attending weekly services, experiencing a daily quiet time with God, serving on a Cove Ministry Team, and actively participating in a Cove Life Group.
Are you living a life that demonstrates our Cove Core Values? We love God passionately. We love people unconditionally. We take the Bible seriously. We stay united. We are generous. We keep it real.
Are you actively pursuing our Cove Mission Measures? These mission measures include the following questions: "Who am I introducing to Jesus?", "What am I learning as I follow Jesus?", and "How am I celebrating God's presence in my life?"
Are you demonstrating leadership at The Cove? This is reflected in spiritual leadership, stewardship and faithfulness in tithing (biblical standard is 1O %), a history of serving others through The Cove, and support of the structure, beliefs, and leadership of The Cove Church.
Are you completing ongoing training and preparation? When leading others, God calls us to be prepared, The Cove is committed to excellence in all that we do.
You should attend Group Life Training as well as all trainings offered and presented by your specific ministry area.
Do you feel calling and confirmation in ministry? If God is calling you to lead in a ministry area, He has also gifted you. You can pursue this as you begin to participate more fully in your ministry team, attending any team meetings for your ministry, and by faithfully attending weekly services. We feel certain that if God is calling you, others will see and confirm these gifts in you. We believe that if God is calling you to this ministry, the ministry's leadership team will have confirmation from God on these issues.
Can you make a commitment of time? As a ministry leader, you must first and foremost be able to make a time commitment to your ministry and ministry team members. In addition to routine responsibilities, there will be meetings for training, leadership development, times when you lead others through our relationship principles and conflict resolution, and the care of the people you will be leading.

Thank you for leading!

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