Team Member Application
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Team Member:
Tell Us About Yourself

Which campus do you attend?
What ministry area are you interested in?

Full Name
Maiden Name (or other names used)
City, State, Zip
Home Phone  
Cell Phone
Email Address
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name (if applicable)
How long have you been attending The Cove?
Name of previous church: (if any)
Briefly describe where you are on your spiritual journey:
What interests you about serving? About serving with children and students? (if applicable):
List your skills and abilities:
Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty to, a crime? If yes, please explain:
Briefly describe your personality:
List any areas where you are already serving within The Cove or any experience you have serving with children (if applicable):

Personal References

**All fields must be completed prior to submitting or application cannot be processed.**

Please list two people that know you well and who meet the following criteria:
A) are over 18 years old,
B) are not related to you,
C) have seen you around minors,
D) have known you for more than one year, and
E) have a definite knowledge of your character. At least one should be from outside of The Cove Church:
Full Name
City,State, Zip
Home Phone
Full Name
City, State, Zip
Home Phone

Do you wish to serve on the Worship/Audio Team?

Worship Team Information

Area of interest
Have you been baptized by immersion?
If you are over 18 years old, would you consent to a background check?
Why do you want to be a member of the Cove Worship/Audio Team?

Submit Form